RF Labs

RF Poker: Re imagining poker community experience

RF Poker offers a unique poker experience by utilizing RFID technology to collect all data from a game played at the table, providing users with detailed insights and game history through the application.

RF Poker Georgia, USA User Research, Mobile UI/UX Design + Development App Design

RF poker provides an experience for live poker players that doesn’t exist anywhere else using automated gameplay tracking, live streaming, and an elevated social experience. In a world where around 684 million hands of poker are played daily without recording or insights, RF Poker stands out by transforming how these games are experienced and analyzed.


With Lollypop, RF Poker introduces a groundbreaking app that tracks gameplay automatically, ensuring that every hand played on an RF table is recorded and analyzed. Players benefit from detailed insights on their performance, helping them improve their strategies and overall game.



What were the primary challenges that we faced while creating the platform + the challenges the brand is facing?


– Information Overload:

Detailed statistics and game history: While valuable to some players, this level of detail could be overwhelming for casual players or those new to poker. The UI needed to be clear and all.


– Complexity of Features:

Automated gameplay tracking, live streaming, and social features: These features offer a rich experience, but introducing them all at once could be confusing for users. The UI should prioritize core functionalities while enabling users to gradually explore advanced features.


– Learning Curve:

New and unique poker experience: Given the app’s unique approach to live poker, users might face a learning curve in understanding how to use the app and navigate its features. Creating an intuitive and user friendly interface was crucial to help users quickly adapt to new experience.


We conducted discovery workshops with the stakeholders to understand the business motivations and technical feasibility to arrive at a balanced design decision. We also conducted primary research with four different cohorts based on their level of exposure to poker to understand the ideas and expectations they have on both poker and the app.


This primary research helped us understand and empathize with the user to conceptualize the features and nuances to be designed.


Key findings from discovery:


Short term goals


– Increase adoption:
Boost app adoption by three to fourfold compared to current figures, aiming for a monthly user base of 3,000 players.


– Less complexity:
Simplify cognitive processes by crafting an interface that is not only user-friendly but also intuitive.


– User retention:
Encourage users to revisit the app after each game to analyze and improve their gameplay and subscribe for continued insights.


Long term goals


– Expand business:
Attract the 6 million people who play poker in card rooms and casinos, as well as the 120 million+ who play for free or with friends.


– Scale application:


Expand to other games and establish this platform as the go-to resource for live game strategy in the future.


From the insights gathered during research and discovery we drafted the user personas and came up with ideas to translate our findings into design. We also mapped the user journeys and information architecture to kickstart the design process and it helped the stakeholders to envision the final product.


As the product is unique and only one of the kind that exists, we did competitor analysis in an apple to oranges method to understand the best practices of the industry.



Created experience leveraging AI and real time data available from the technology available in the product that brought out the goal intended for the redesign.

Achieved beginner friendly design with features like Creating distinct leaderboards tailored to different levels of players, offering a personalized sense of accomplishment within their respective skill brackets, Breaking down poker terms in simple language, aiming to help users understand the game better and how it can be beneficial, Offering analytics, focusing on key performance metrics and providing actionable insights in a clear and understandable manner.

Fostered community by Interactive forums where players can initiate and participate in discussion , Implementing chat rooms or channels based on topics or interests, providing a space for users with similar passions to connect.

Developed clean and straightforward layout that presents essential information prominently, enhances readability and avoids appearing too complex for the user and effortless navigation maintaining a smooth user flow, guiding them seamlessly without the risk of getting lost in unrelated paths.
